Flower Essence Therapy
Crown Heights
The Juneberry Tree
Art Gallery

Following the success of the Rescue Remedy project,
we are pleased to present
Gifts from the Garden
A Handbook of Flower Essence Remedies
from Dr. Bach and Around the World
written for these times in Israel
relevant flower essences
botanical signatures and photographs
offering relief, recovery and renewal from trauma,
emotional and physical distress, injury and loss
as well as flowers for restful sleep and resilience
Happy Camper Flowers for Children
Happpy Camper Flowers for Parents
Happy Camper Kids in School
flower essences that bring a
fresh approach to raising happy children and teens
during trying times and in general,
at home, in school and on the playground.
10 Benefits of Flower Essences
by Ruth Toledano Altschuler
1 – Plants and Flowers know all about CHANGE
this is why Flower Essences are most helpful allies
when we are going through transition, upheaval, life changes
or we want to change (from the inside out) emotional patterns
or attitudes within ourselves and / or in our lives!
2 – Plants and Flowers know all about LETTING GO
shedding leaves, branches, and even the most beautiful flowers, fruits and seed. They know that by moving through the steps and cycles of change and allowing its unfoldment,
the New does comes to Life.
3 – In the MOVEMENT they catalyze within us
flower essences help CLEAR specific blockages
we may hold deep within,
like shame, fear of exposure, fear of being less beautiful,
not good enough, and many others. And how freeing this is!
4 – Flower Essences contain – convey – INFORMATION
they do not contain aromatic, nor any actual physical active principle. Flower Essences are the imprint of radiant INFORMATION, and wisdom, imparted by a specific plant.
5 – Flower Essences transmit RADIANCE
life force, vibrancy. They are what we call Vibrational Remedies,
each one having a very specific quality,
that unblocks, resonates and activates specific QUALITIES.
6 – When a plant blooms it refines it’s UNIQUE expression
into variants of UNIQUE beauty of shape, color and fragrance. In a similar way, Flower Essences nurture and bring forth
our very own unique GIFTS and PRESENCE.
7 – Plants are ALIGNED and INTEGRATED with the Earth
with the cycles of the Sun, the Moon, the Cosmos,
as they grow towards the Light.
Flower Essences help our Integration and Alignment,
in specific and unique ways.
8 – Each Plant and Flower expresses a LIVING ARCHETYPE
that can be selected to match – and support you – through
your own experience and personal ARCHETYPAL JOURNEY
9 – Flower Essences help us GROW and BLOSSOM
through the journey of life in this Planet. Plants have been in the planet for many thousands of years, and Flowering Plants are the reason why the Earth has this atmosphere and can be inhabited by this amazing diversity of life. Through their essences,
they offer us wisdom on how to ADAPT and THRIVE.
10 – When you use the precise Flower Essences
that support specific steps of your Journey, you FEEL you are MOVING through life with enhanced ALIGNMENT and BEAUTY.
Read more from Ruth @ Essence Mentoring

​The handbook and flower essences
will be made available free of charge
(as long as supplies last)
in Yerushalayim and elsewhere beginning in March.
in Workshops and One-on-One
Workshops and One-on-One open with a brief introduction about Dr. Bach's flower essence system and its benefits, discussion and Q & A.
Participants are then given the handbook to read through and select those flower essences they feel most drawn to, that best reflect their needs and circumstances.
After choosing, each person adds their selections into prepared 1/2oz dropper bottles to take home and use.
To schedule a Workshop or to meet One-on-One
Contact us for details
or Whatsapp us at 516-924-5516 ​
A project of Crown Hts Women
for the Safety & Integrity of Israel
Tamar Adelstein,
Coordinator & Certified Flower Essence Practitioner