Flower Essence Therapy
Crown Heights
The Juneberry Tree
Art Gallery
Rescue Remedy is available free of charge
in Yerushalayim and Tzfat in limited quantities.
Contact us for pick up details, instructions or
to sponsor bottles of Rescue Remedy
You can also Whatsapp us at 516-924-5516
In Tel Aviv, you can purchase Rescue Remedy
from JD Schloss in Tel Aviv - 03-688-2040.
In Yerushalayim, you can purchase Rescue Remedy
from Mani's Pharmacy - 02-538-3048
located near the Shuk
If you live outside Israel you can usually purchase
Bach or Healing Herbs Rescue Remedy at your local health food store, pharmacy, Whole Foods
and big grocery stores such as Wegmans
Or whatsapp Tamar Adelstein
at 516-924-5516
A project of Crown Hts Women
for the Safety & Integrity of Israel
Tamar Adelstein,
Coordinator & Flower Essence Practitioner
with love and support
from the flower essence garden
Bach Flower Remedies * Rescue Remed *PircheiBach
Dr. Bach's Rescue Remedy is renown for quickly calming down and restoring
a person's emotional and mental equilibrium
when they are in shock, panic stricken, fearful,
distraught, anxious and overwhelmed
as so many are feeling right now, HaShem Yaazor!
Pirchei Bach are very gentle acting, non-toxic, non-allergenic, fragrance-free and make a safe compliment to use in tandem with other treatments and therapies, often enhancing their efficacy.
Flower Essences drops can be taken under the tongue; mixed into a glass of water or juice; via misting bottle. *The non-kosher brandy used by companies to preserve their flower essence remedies becomes nullified when prepared using specific dilutions and can be ingested to treat serious illness or minor conditions (HaRav Eliyahu Falk, responsa Machazei Eliyahu 2:51) Flower Essences can also be applied topically on the pulse points at the wrists, the heart and the temples. And they can be added to the bath or mixed into a carrier cream.
Read More about Rescue Remedy on our Blog
Read More about
Therapeutic Yoga for Children with Jyoti Manuel
Free Crisis Relief and Stress Resilience Program
Free Live Online Breath-Body-Mind Program
Sessions in Hebrew & English during the week
To Register: BBMFIsrael@gmail.com
In the meantime if you have a
Stock Bottle of Rescue Remedy on hand
Here is a simple way to
share it on a wide scale with family and friends:
Add 70 drops of Stock Bottled of Rescue Remedy to a
1 Gallon/3 Liter jug of Spring, Pure or Filtered water
This is your Mother Jug.
Give the jug a shake to evenly distribute
and activate the flower essences.
Keep the Mother Jug and drinking bottles refrigerated
this should last for up to a week
For those who bring an empty water bottle (typically 12 fluid oz/335 mL) fill it from the Mother Jug.
For those who bring
an already filled bottle of water:
add 2 to 3 drops of your Stock Bottle of Rescue Remedy
to their water bottle.
Sip slowly until relief is felt.
Or pour into a sprayer bottle to
mist around oneself
and/or around the room or bomb shelter
or directly on the pulse points
( the wrists, heart or temples)
This method was developed by Flower Essence maker Sandra Epstein, Araretama Rainforest Essences, in Brazil and used by her and others to treat groups of people during and in the aftermath of catastrophic natural disasters. Many thanks to Sandra and to Ruth Toledano Altschuler of Essence Mentoring for their help in preparing these instructions. Many thanks to Rabbi Reuven Simons for his generous donation to kickstart this effort.