Flower Essence Therapy
Crown Heights
The Juneberry Tree
Art Gallery
July 8, 2019
Flower Essence Considerations for Ameliorating the Symptoms of Lyme Disease
by Tamar Adelstein, Certified Flower Essence Practitioner
July 8, 2019
Flower Essence Considerations for Ameliorating the Symptoms of Lyme Disease
by Tamar Adelstein, Certified Flower Essence Practitioner
At last the warm and sunny days of Summer are finally here! New encounters with Nature beckon: rolling meadows to ramble through, shady woods to explore and campfires and sandcastles to build along the beach.
As with all travel plans, precautions will be in order to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip. With the ever increasing presence of tick-borne illness on the rise up in the Country and along oceanside spots, we would be wise to include a first aid kit of remedies that protect against these problematic pests.
This article will look at the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) standard recommendations. We will also introduce the Complimentary work of Delta Gardens which has done extensive research using flower essences (liquid herbal infusions) to ameliorate the pernicious and lingering symptoms that often occur from tickborne and other bacterial and viral infections.
All it takes one hearty dish of red corpuscles spiced with Lyme or Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium from the local “Deer Inn” to turn a baby tick no bigger than a poppy seed or its mom and pop, the size of sesame seeds, into infectious carriers.
In an exquisite example of just how awesome the Abishter’s world is, the corkscrew-shaped Borrelia, lying dormant in the tick’s tummy, self-activates after a precise period of 36 hours has passed from the tick first latching on and beginning to, pardon me, suck your blood.
At that moment, the tick’s warmed belly beckons the bacterium to wake up and begin twisting its way up into the bug’s salivary glands. There it is salivated into the bite wound as the tick tries to get rid of all that excess moisture while it finishes eating.
Once absorbed, the chances for falling prey to this wily, multiplex infection become all that much greater for people already afflicted with weak or compromised immunity.
Other factors like candida, on-going viral infections, mold, heavy metals (like from dental work) raise susceptibility as does having something called the MTHFR gene - a mutation that prevents the body from clearing organic toxins. And, finally, as with most things in life, a person’s temperament and how they’re feeling will either help shore up their defenses or leave them open to the tick’s machinations.
Since their next meal might be you or me, G-d Forbid, prevention and a strict tick-checking protocol are imperative.
Dress to Protect!
Dress to Protect!
The Torah’s guidelines for modest wear guard in more ways than one: Clothing that covers up torsos, arms, legs and feet fashion a safeguard between you and Borrelia burgdorferi as do sun hats on your head.
Some other suggestions include:
1. Delta Garden’s Garlic Flower Essence Tick Protocol:
3 drops 3 times a day during tick season
2 drops a day for maintenance outside of tick season
For Animals: 3 drops in water daily
2. Garlic is jam-packed with antioxidants and a great source for
Vitamins B6, B1 and C as well as copper, manganese, selenium, phosphorous and calcium.
Garlic is also anti-viral and anti-microbial whether you use it in cooking, herbal tinctures or prepared as a flower essence; garlic strengthens the immune system, repelling parasitic and viral infections.
3. Misting yourself with a combination of garlic flower essences and a mix of lavender, geranium and clove essential oils before venturing outside will also help to ward off ticks and other insects.
Daily tick checks include:
Bathe or shower as soon as possible after coming indoors (preferably within 2 hours) to wash off and more easily find any ticks that might be crawling on you.
Conduct a full-body tick check using a hand-held or full-length mirror to view all parts of your body upon return from tickinfested areas.
Parents should check their children for ticks under the arms, in and around the ears, inside the belly button, behind the knees, between the legs, around the waist, and especially in their hair.
3. Examine gear and pets. Ticks can ride into the home on clothing and pets, then attach to a person later, so carefully examine pets, coats, and day packs.
4. Tumble dry clothes in a dryer on high heat for 10 minutes to kill ticks on dry clothing after you come indoors.
5. If the clothes are damp, additional time may be needed.
6. If the clothes first require washing, use hot water. Cold and medium temperature water will not kill ticks effectively. If the clothes cannot be washed in hot water, tumble them dry on low heat for 90 minutes or high heat for 60 minutes. The clothes should be warm and completely dry.
If a tick is found:
1. Using fine-tipped tweezers, grasp the tick as close to the skin’s surface and pull upward with steady, even pressure. Don’t twist or jerk the tick; this can cause the mouth-parts to break off and remain in the skin. If this happens, remove the mouth-parts with tweezers.
2. After removing the tick, thoroughly clean the bite area and your hands with rubbing alcohol, an iodine scrub, or soap and water. Disinfect the tweezers
3. If the tick is alive, put it in an airtight bag with a moistened cotton ball and bring it to your doctor or send on for testing. If dead, placing it in a sealed bag/container, wrapping it tightly in tape, or flushing it down the toilet. Never crush a tick with your fingers.
After a tick has been removed:
Go to the doctor and begin a regiment of antibiotics right away. Along with antibiotic treatment, Delta Gardens suggests soaking the bite the site of the bite for 5 days with a mix of hot water, Epsom salts and hydrogen peroxide. Apply an ointment and cover the bite with a bandaid in between baths. Do not let the bite heal over before five days."
PART TWO - Tick-Borne Diseases and Flower Essences
PART TWO - Tick-Borne Diseases and Flower Essences
I was first introduced to Delta Gardens’ work at a seminar given to flower essence practitioners in New York City many years ago. As with the other leaders in the flower essence field, Delta Gardens’ staff combine their professional working knowledge and research of plants and personal experience with them before introducing their findings to the wider public.
I have since taken Delta Gardens’ Lyme and Co-infections course and studied their extensive set of flower essences derived from medicinal herbs. Of particular interest to me are their research with the Pansy flower and viral infections.
With permission to quote from a 2016 interview posted on its website with Lyme Nation (an organization of professionals who have been personally affected by Lyme Disease – see www.lymenation.org), naturalist David Dalton, told how in the 1980‘s, he became infected with Lyme disease and “coincidentally” happened to be researching the Teasel plant at the same time. He soon discovered that in Pansy flower essences, used most often to support the system following a viral infection.
Eventually Delta Gardens’ developed a protocol using Teasel and other select flower essences to help mitigate the symptoms of Lyme and co-infections, Babesia infection and give needed support to tissues compromised by Lyme.
“The reason Lyme can burrow in and go undetected”, Delta Gardens’ hypothesizes, “has to do with its intelligence”, explaining:
“Healthy cells – even helpful bacteria – in the body have a cell velocity somewhere between 70 and 90 mV. Destructive microbes like the Lyme spirochetes have a much lower cell velocity. When they get into the body, the immune system recognizes them to be an invader because of their lower velocity and will begin to attack and destroy them.
However, Lyme spirochetes are very intelligent and will migrate in the body to places where the cell velocity is lowest. These are places of old injury, chronic symptoms or genetic weakness.
The spirochetes will then colonize there and begin to destroy tissue to lower the frequency of the surrounding tissue. At a certain point, the immune system stops recognizing the spirochetes as invaders because there is now little difference between the microbe and the surrounding tissues. This condition eventually spreads and the body becomes weak and unable to resist many other invaders, such as molds, fungi, viruses and is unable to detox effectively.”
Based on the increase in die-off after an application of the flower essences, he conjectures they may be raising the cell voltage of the healthy tissues and, thereby, giving the immune system a signal that the invader is present.
Delta Gardens’ research and case studies using Teasel and other flower essences opens new avenues for healing and expands the work of Dr. Edward Bach, the English physician, who “discovered” flower essences in the 1930’s.
An accomplished physician, immunologist and homeopath, Dr. Bach was an early observer of the role emotion plays in illness and recovery. Seeking a new system for healing that would use only the “remedies of the meadow”, he closed his practice in 1930 and went out into the Welsh and English countrysides searching for plants that would alleviate the emotional or mental dis – ease, that upon reflection, people often recall they were feeling before getting sick.
Dr. Bach’s studies led him to discover a selection of flowers and flowering trees whose botanical “gestures” not only mirror and match the range of emotions but can also modify the emotional state of the person needing them. Flower essences do
so via resonance.
Our world is made up of Light that beats in life-giving waves of energy that travel at differing tempos and speeds. The colors of the rainbow, as we know, are the visible waves of energy on the electro-magnetic spectrum; the color of a flower and its associated wavelength gives us an indication about its flower essence light and affect.
On a simple level resonance occurs when two people “click” together, almost immediately upon meeting. They’re experiencing sharing the same kind of beat and light-energy.
On a deeper level, Chassidus expounds at length about the many virtues of Light. In his Glossary to Chassidic terminology, Rabbi Nissan Mindel defines Light as the favored metaphor for Divine influence and manifestation. Light, we learn in Tanya, the “Written Torah” of Chassidus, delights the Soul and is essential to life never separating from its Source or ever changing. Although Light is absorbed relative to the capacity of the recipient, it is, simultaneously illuminating and enlightening.
Julian Barnard, a master flower essence practitioner, has written, “Light has the effect of falling on earth to raise each element up to participate in the one above it until it is reconnected with its Source.”
Thus the positive charge in a flower essence’s light wave, introduced through seemingly insignificant drops on the pulse points, demonstrates the Chassidic principle that where negativity lies, even a little bit of light can dispel its darkness.
My workshop, The Healing Hues of the Flower Essence Bouquet, showcases a selection of flowers based in part on their color and light-wave can help bring relief from depression, anger, anxiety and fear.
Another fascinating component in flower essence making is the role of dew. Dew’s healing properties are ancient and have been studied throughout the ages.
Drawing on the work of Paracelsus’ experiments with dew, Dr. Bach concluded that it, dew, held a condensation of the plant’s energetic properties. To collect and bottle this “essence” for medicinal purposes, Dr. Bach brilliantly devised an original method that on the surface seems “mystical” but is actually quite well grounded in science.
One places fresh dew-laden blossoms into a glass bowl filled with spring water under the sun on a warm Spring morning for several hours during which the flower’s energy is transferred into the water which is able to both retain and carry over the remedy in treatment. Each step is a study in itself but of greater importance to Dr. Bach was the outcome that the person in need would find relief and begin to “Heal Thyself” as he famously wrote.
Interestingly, the Talmud speaks at length about the special qualities in dew calling it the symbol of youth and the elixir that HaShem will give to revive the dead in the period following Moshiach’s arrival.
The resonating light in a flower essence is, therefore, both inspirational and illuminating as well as restorative. Flower essences help a person get back to feeling like themselves again, stimulating an optimistic outlook on life that in turn opens the channels to emotional growth and positive change.
Returning to Delta Gardens’ work, they believe that when Lyme and co-infections have confused the immune system by hiding in tissues with similar rhythms of low voltage, the introduction of Teasel flower essences appears to “enlighten” the immune system to go directly to the site and begin fighting them.
Delta Gardens’ studies have found that Lyme disease often attracts people with “diffuse boundaries, leaving them more susceptible to the intrusion of parasitic energy”. As mentioned above, flower essences are principally taken to amend the emotional state of the person in need.
They have a proven track record in reconciling and releasing lingering trauma, stress and bad habits. With consistent use, flower essences will lead a person toward making positive changes for themselves and over time come to connect with more meaning and purpose to their lives.
Flowering in rings along its spiky central comb, each band of the Teasel’s blooms “gesture” to a different part in the body. Thus, Teasel band 4 aligns, in the human energy field, with the heart and lungs and has been found to help clear congestion from the chest. More importantly, though, Teasel band 4 illuminates old events that may still trouble the person’s heart, weighing heavily upon them and/or call attention to the way they are reflected in the rise and fall of their breathing - experiences that may have affected their vulnerability to infection.
In the case where infection shakes a person’s sense of security and rootedness, a blend of Teasel 1 and Teasel 7 will work through the energy field of the nervous system and help foster a renewed feeling of steadiness and being protected – something that may have been missing in a person’s life before getting sick.
For more information about Delta Gardens’ see www.deltagardens.com
*Delta Gardens makes no claims that essences can heal, treat, mitigate or alleviate any illness or disease. References to organs or physical systems indicate the etheric aspect of the body – the energetic signature of a particular organ or system - rather than the organ, itself, and are intended to guide further inquiry.